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Do BNP v Trattamento and Fine Care v Natwest show the courts retreating from the principles established in First Tower Trustees?
Following the decision of the Court of Appeal in Springwell parties to commercial contracts involving the sale of complex financial products increasingly relied on entire agreement clauses no-duty clauses and non-reliance clauses to attempt to avoid claims based on statements made outside of the written contract.
First Tower Trustees cast a spotlight on the statutory controlsof unfair terms in the context of document-based defences and established that a clause may amount to an effective contractual estoppel but may still be subject to statutory controls under s 3 Misrepresentation Act 1967.
In two recent decisions considering First Tower TrusteesBNP Paribas SA v Trattamento Rifuti Metropolitani SpA [2020] EWHC 2436 (Comm) and Fine Care Homes Limited v National Westminster Bank Plc [2020] EWHC 3233 (Ch) the court has on the facts in each case rejected arguments that non-reliance...