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Charles Ho Wang Mak

Charles Ho Wang Mak is a Lecturer in Law at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland; a PhD Candidate in Law at the University of Glasgow; a Fellow of the Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum at the Stanford Law School; a Fellow of the Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law at the City University of Hong Kong; an Honorary Fellow of the Asian Institute of International Financial Law at the University of Hong Kong; a Research Affiliate at SovereigNet at The Fletcher School, Tufts University; and a Research Associate at China, Law and Development Project at the University of Oxford. Email: charleshwmak@gmail.com

Articles by author

Book Review: Banking on Beijing: The Aims and Impacts of China’s Overseas Development Program

Charles Ho Wang Mak of the University of Glasgow reviews a new book on China’s foreign development program’s aims and impacts

1 SEP 2022

China – June 2023

1 JUN 2023