Our authors are experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics experts from a range of related disciplines.

Clayton Chong

Clayton Chong is a senior associate in the Special Situations Advisory Practice at WongPartnership. 


Articles by author

Roll-up rescue financing in Singapore: giving old debt senior priority

At its introduction into Singapore’s restructuring laws in 2017, rescue financing was heralded as value enhancing and associated with a higher probability of successful recovery for distressed companies. This article discusses the application of the rescue financing regime, including the first instance of a roll-up, and the way forward for rescue financing in Singapore.

1 MAR 2021

When Singapore REITs go under: risks and solutions for lenders

In this article the authors discuss the fundamental differences, from a Singapore law perspective, in how creditors might be treated in the insolvency of a real estate investment trust (REIT) compared to the insolvency of a company and explore some possible structures and mechanisms which might enable a REIT and its creditors to restructure or wind up a REIT synthetically. (In the UK, a REIT is a UK company limited by shares, with separate legal personality, so the issues raised in this article do not apply to UK based REITs).

1 JAN 2023