Our authors are experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics experts from a range of related disciplines.

Craig Morrison KC

Craig Morrison KC is a barrister at Brick Court Chambers. 


Articles by author

Commercial litigation funding: a more secure approach

A series of recent decisions have focussed on the practice of commercial litigation funding. The High Court and Court of Appeal have made clear that commercial funders will be expected to show that they can satisfy adverse costs orders that may be made during the litigation, failing which they are likely to be required to provide security for costs.

1 DEC 2021

Electronic deeds: signed, sealed … delivered?

Deeds are often used in commercial practice, particularly where a party wishes to enter into a unilateral commitment or parties wish to vary a contract. However, the requirement that a deed must be “delivered” is potentially confusing. It may cause particular difficulties in the context of deeds that are executed and evidenced electronically.

1 MAY 2023