Our authors are experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics experts from a range of related disciplines.

Dr Cong Gao

Dr Cong Gao is a solicitor at Gherson LLP. She is a dual-qualified lawyer in England and Wales and the People’s Republic of China. With experience at pre-eminent international law firms in both jurisdictions and a PhD in investment treaty arbitration, she has a deep understanding of international dispute resolution and a proven track record of working on complex cross-border disputes before national courts and international arbitration tribunals. Email: cgao@gherson.co.uk

Articles by author

Financial sanctions and investment treaty arbitration

Financial institutions may be the subject of sanctions unilaterally imposed by individual states. While sanctions can be challenged through domestic means, foreign investors affected by sanctions have the right to bring proceedings against the sanction-imposing host state before international arbitral tribunals, provided investment treaty protection exists. Final awards, in particular monetary remedies against the host state, can be enforced globally.

31 JUL 2024