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Isabel Aguilar Alonso

Isabel Aguilar Alonso is a partner at Uría Menéndez Abogados, S.L.P. She focuses her practice on financial services and financial regulation. She is a member of the Madrid Bar and is recognised in various legal directories. Email: isabel.aguilar@uria.com

Articles by author

Protection of securities under custody in Spain

There is no scope for trusts under current Spanish law; they neither exist nor are recognised in the jurisdiction. Incorporating them into Spanish law would require a substantial transformation of Spanish property law. At the same time, it is not even truly clear whether trusts are indeed a bulletproof solution in the context of safeguarding securities under custody. In any case, Spanish law provides for a set of measures designed to safeguard securities held under custody, particularly traded securities held under custody by an entity participating in Iberclear, the Spanish central securities depository.

1 JUL 2022