Our authors are experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics experts from a range of related disciplines.

Kit Smith

Managing Associate
Kit Smith is a managing associate at Keidan Harrison. Email: ksmith@keidanharrison.com

Articles by author

Anti-suit relief: Bourlakova and Magomedov and the non-contractual jurisdiction

The recent line of authority preceding Bourlakova1and Magomedov2 had largely centred on the contractual jurisdiction for granting an anti-suit injunction (ASI) to restrain or prevent the commencement of foreign proceedings. However, the cases of Bourlakova and Magomedov respectively considered the non-contractual jurisdictions for granting ASI relief and anti-anti suit injunctive (AASI) relief. This article will examine the contractual and the non-contractual bases for the grant of ASI and AASI relief, before considering the Bourlakova case and the court’s approach to single forum disputes, as well as the Magomedov case and the court’s willingness to protect judicial process in England and Wales.

31 JUL 2024