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Nicholas Baines

Senior Associate
Nicholas Baines is a senior associate in the Derivatives and Structured Products Group at Travers Smith LLP. He advises private capital managers, financial institutions, corporates and institutional asset owners, with a specialism in OTC derivatives. That work includes advising on hedging arrangements for interest rate, FX and commodities exposures, EMIR/UK and SFTR / UK SFTR compliance and total return swaps (for both leverage and synthetic exposure purposes). Email: nicholas.baines@traverssmith.com

Articles by author

Derivatives for private capital managers: hot topics and predicted trends for 2025

This article explores the hot topics and predicted trends for 2025. It is not focused on one particular strategy or sector and will be of interest to private capital managers using English law derivatives documents and/or those which are subject, directly or indirectly, to EU regulation (which includes US managers active in the EU).

6 MAR 2025