Our authors are experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics experts from a range of related disciplines.

Peter Dodge

Peter Dodge practises from Radcliffe Chambers. Having started his career in the City as a fund manager at a leading investment bank, Peter has a particular interest in matters involving the sale, distribution and terms of financial products.


Articles by author

Steaming away from Canada Steamship? The interpretation of exemption clauses in finance documents

Judicial statements over the years have led some commentators to detect a trend away from the use of anything other than general contractual principles in the interpretation of exclusion clauses. Of the special principles at risk, perhaps the best known is the three-stage framework formulated by the Privy Council in 1952 in Canada Steamship Lines Ltd v The King. This article examines recent case law and considers whether that trend may have run its course.

1 MAY 2021

Contributory negligence defences to claims against financial institutions

Statute law, common law and equity provide a variety of protections and remedies to customers of financial institutions. This article, though, examines the not uncommon situation where there is a legitimate sense that the customer may to some extent have been the author of his or her own misfortunes.

1 JUL 2023