Our authors are experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics experts from a range of related disciplines.

Samantha Richardson

Samantha Richardson is a Professional Support Lawyer at White & Case LLP in London.


Articles by author

Drafting for sustainable lending: LMA green v SLL loan provisions

This Spotlight article examines the LMA’s Draft Provisions for Green Loans, which were published on 7 November 2024, and provides a highlight of the key aspects of the drafting, as well as a comparison with the Draft Provisions for sustainability-linked loans.

6 MAR 2025

Fund finance and sustainability: new guidance on the application of the SLLPs

Over recent years there has been significant growth and development in the fund finance industry, which has expanded over the last decade into a global market now worth more than US$600bn, according to the asset manager abrdn. As the market has continue to mature, the variety of tools available to investors (which include private equity, private credit and venture capital) to fund their operations has expanded considerably beyond the traditional subscription facility to encompass many more types of fund financing. One such innovation has been the introduction and adoption of sustainable finance, either by the way of use of proceeds facilities (green loans) or sustainability-linked loan facilities.

In light of the increased use of ESG-linked financing in the fund finance market, on 5 March 2024 the Loan Market Association, Asia Pacific Loan Market Association, Loan Syndications and Trading Association and the Fund Finance Association published 'A Guide to the Application of the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles in Fund Finance' (Guide), which provides practical guidance to market participants on how the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles can be used the fund finance market, as well as identifying and addressing challenges and considerations  particular to fund finance transactions.

In this article we will examine the use of sustainability-linked financing in the fund finance market and consider some of the issues raised by the Guide.

30 APR 2024