Our authors are experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics experts from a range of related disciplines.

Sarah Penfold

Senior Associate

Sarah Penfold is a senior associate in the banking litigation team at Herbert Smith Freehills LLP.

Email: sarah.penfold@hsf.com

Articles by author

Intermediated securities in a securities class action context

The majority of investors in the UK hold their interests through an intermediated chain of securities. The relationships between the investors in the chain are governed by the contracts they have entered into, and the system is largely operated on a “no look through” basis, meaning investors only have rights against their own counterparties. The Law Commission has considered whether to reform the law in this area, in order to give greater rights to ultimate investors. This article considers the impact of any such reform in a securities class action context.

1 APR 2021

Merricks v Mastercard: the litigation risks for the financial services sector

The recent decisions in the Merricks v Mastercard litigation will most obviously have a significant impact on the competition class actions regime, but may also have repercussions for the wider litigation landscape, particularly in relation to mass consumer claims. In this article, we consider the potential litigation risks for the financial services sector.

1 DEC 2021