Our authors are experts in their field and include barristers, solicitors, judges, mediators, academics experts from a range of related disciplines.

William Hibbert

William Hibbert is a barrister at Henderson Chambers, London, specialising in financial services and consumer law.


Articles by author

The new FCA Consumer Duty: the interrelationship with the Senior Managers and Certification Regime

2023 sees the introduction of what the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) hopes will be a significant increase in the standard of consumer customer care: the new Consumer Duty (the Duty) will apply to firms from 31 July 2023 in respect of new products and services and of existing products and services that remain on sale or open for renewal (it will be another year before the Duty will apply to closed products and services). This in turn brings changes to, and greater responsibilities under, the existing Senior Management and Certification Regime (SM&CR), which are considered in this article.

1 FEB 2023

The new FCA Consumer Duty: the interrelationship with common law contractual obligations

The new Consumer Duty is not actionable under s 138D Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. While some existing legislation affecting contracts address the concepts of fairness and good faith similar to those in the Duty, such legislation is of limited application. Might it be possible to use contractual obligations in order to give a right of action? The case law suggests that only the clearest language of incorporation would incorporate the rules underlying the Duty. The Duty will however inform the standards expected under the implied term of care and skill in contracts for financial services.

1 JAN 2023