Our articles are written by experts in their field and include individual barristers, solicitors, academics, judges, and leading firms in relevant areas of practice. JIBFL offers authoritative insights into global banking and financial law, providing essential updates for legal practitioners and policymakers. Covering key topics like lending, security interests, derivatives, debt capital markets, banking and finance related disputes, crypto, FinTech and financial regulation, JIBFL serves as a trusted resource for navigating complex legal challenges and staying informed in the financial sector. If you would like to contribute, please email .


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Does the liquidator have a duty to deal with trust assets?

The extent, if any, to which the liquidator of a corporate trustee is under duties in relation to trust property has received very limited attention from the English courts. The point is important since corporate trustees collectively hold property worth trillions. If such trustees cannot be placed in special administration proceedings or if the administrator of a corporate trustee is unable fully to deal with trust property prior to the end of the special administration, the absence of any duty on the liquidator to deal with such property in some appropriate way would open up a serious lacuna in the efficacy of the liquidation regime. This article sets out tentative and exploratory considerations that may assist a court asked to address this question.

25 March 2024

Transfers of equitable interests in the digital asset world

In this article Hin Liu explains why it is uncertain whether commercial parties can transfer their equitable interests under certain digital asset arrangements. He suggests the need for statutory reform to maintain the necessary confidence that transactions in the digital asset world can take effect as intended.

25 March 2024

Sanctions test illegality clauses in financial contracts

The recent sanctions imposed in response to the war in Ukraine have meant that the consequences of illegality under financial transactions such as derivatives, repo and securities lending have again been in the spotlight for financial institutions and their clients. The legal position varies across different market standard agreements. This article considers the relevant provisions in the ISDA aster Agreement (2002 version) (ISDA Master Agreement), the Global Master Securities Lending Agreement (2010 version) (GMSLA) and the Global Master Repurchase Agreement (2011 version) (GMRA), in each case assuming that the governing law is English law.

25 March 2024

Inside the machine: the European Commission’s proposed consolidated tape for bonds

The author considers the origins, purpose and implications of a very particular machine – the European Commission’s proposed “consolidated tape” for bonds.

25 March 2024

The Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022: what does it mean for landlords and their funders?

This article summarises the position of landlords and their funders, and of tenants, under the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022.

25 March 2024

Fund finance: the regulatory requirements applicable to securitisations in the EU and UK

In the March 2022 edition of Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law ((2022) 3 JIBFL 198), we briefly explored the analysis undertaken to determine whether a transaction in the European fund finance market constitutes a “securitisation” under the EU1 and UK2 regulatory frameworks. If a fund financing does constitute a securitisation, further work is required to establish how the applicable regulatory requirements will be met. In this follow-on article, we survey the application of the key regulatory requirements imposed on participants in securitisations in the EU and UK in the context of fund financing transactions, namely: risk retention, transparency (and reporting), due diligence and credit granting requirements. We also consider the direct applicability of the rules to fund parties and the related provisions participants in these transactions should expect in the financing documents.

25 March 2024

Limitation periods and cryptocurrency fraud

This article gives an overview of cryptocurrency fraud in the UK, highlights the risk that recovery actions may be time barred, considers the s 32 test in the light of recent authority, and then offers practical tips as to how cryptocurrency investors might increase their prospects of being able to rely on that provision.

25 March 2024

A contradiction of terms: is stock-lending compliant with the ethos of an ESG fund?

The market share of ESG funds is rising rapidly and by some estimates is set to become a third of the total market as measured by assets under management. Many questions around ESG funds have yet to be resolved. There is active debate about the issues between, amongst others, asset managers, investors, regulators, lawmakers, scientists and pressure groups. However, some questions can be answered immediately. An ESG fund which shorts a stock which it would deem to be environmentally sound, or, more likely, lends it to another fund to short is acting against the principles of the ESG ethos which attracted its investors in the first place. This is because there is a tension between portfolio returns and environmental concerns. There is a risk of accusation of mis-selling resulting in litigation and censure by the regulator unless the fund’s modus operandi and their rationale are explicit.

25 March 2024

Another roll of the dice: the elusive line between hedging and speculation

The question of whether a derivative transaction is properly characterised as a hedge or as speculation has long vexed the English courts. It has arisen recently in a decision of the Commercial Court dealing with the capacity of an Italian local authority to transact interest-rate swaps. This article reviews the caselaw on the question and asks: (i) is it possible for the courts to make any distinction between hedging transactions and speculative transactions?; and (ii) what test should be applied?

25 March 2024

SFDR RTS and ESG sectoral amendments: mismatches and implementation challenges

On 6 April 2022, the European Commission adopted the final Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and its Annexes. The RTS was previously supposed to apply from July 2022 but will now instead apply from 1 January 2023.

25 March 2024
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